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Friday, December 17, 2010

Eco-Friendly Vegetation Management, At Your Service! Introducing Goats for Rent, LLC

Mom has decided that we have too much time on our hands and that she will give us a generous loan to start renting our appetites, er, I mean our services to you. Here is our plan to be available by Spring of 2011.

Now accepting reservations for June, 2011. 
Call 541.270.2382 or eMail us today!

Naaaahhhhh, really we're just too hungry. We love Scotch Broom, Salal, Blackberries, Ivy, Poison Ivy, Poison Oak and much more. Please contact us today! Even before we get our van, Mom will find a way to get us to you. Thanks!

Love, Dahlia & Donovan

PS Is your goat too hungry and bored, too?  We accept homeless herdmates from overwhelmed owners with good intentions, and we'll even give you a discount on all future services for his/her lifetime so he/she can come back to visit you.

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