Serving municipalities, HOA, commercial projects, and private parties.
For more information, please don't hesitate to email today!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

No job too small for now.

Goats for Rent, LLC - Seal Rock OR 

Thursday, June 9, 2011

It makes a person feel a little like David ...

as in, opposed to Goliath.

Goats for Rent, LLC - Seal Rock OR 

Friday, May 20, 2011

Paradigm Shift

It takes money to make money and, we have potential good news. Just enough seed money to get up and running. Time for the rubber to hit the road. :o)
Goats for Rent, LLC - Seal Rock OR

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Officials say natural cleansing method readies land for student use

For three days and two nights, more than 30 goats grazed on the weeds, poison ivy and thorns on the plot of land between the Eppley Recreation Center and the School of Public Health building, clearing the land for students to grow their own fruits and vegetables, meditate, take classes or simply hang out.

Allison Lilly, the Public Health Garden Club's president, said the idea to bring the goats to the campus started as a joke about using animals from the campus farm as an eco-conscious way to get rid of invasive plants until the organizers learned that companies such as the Davidsonville-based Eco-Goats actually existed.



No job too small for now.

Goats for Rent, LLC - Seal Rock OR 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Goats Enlisted to Help Around Levees

WALLA WALLA, WA - "But one thing all the federal agencies could agree on? Goats." Read more here:

No job too small for now.

Goats for Rent, LLC - Seal Rock OR 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Goats for Rent, LLC: Frequently Asked Questions

Who in their right mind would hire goats to clear brush?
Using goats to clear brush is a time-proven idea whose time has come again. We're happy to serve Municipalities, HOA, commercial projects, and private parties.
Do you clear firebreaks as well as large yards?
Yes! Other possible areas for the use of goats is farm pond enhancement and flyways for ducks and geese, stream bank stabilization, cleaning along the local irrigation ditches, opening up and rejuvenating abandoned orchards, cleaning old fence lines, landscaping and firebreaking/fuels reduction around homes.
Is there an optimal time of year for grazing?
For mitigation of a specific plant they may want the goats to graze prior to seed set of that particular plant. For fuel mitigation, timing may be based upon historical fire records for that area. 
What will the goats eat?
The goats will eat most vegetation that is available, including plants such as poison oak that are difficult to clear by hand. They will readily consume otherwise undesirable species such as pampas grass, any kind of thistle, and blackberry. By generally eating the top of the plant instead removing it by the roots, goats may be less damaging to native plants when compared to traditional grazers. If, however, the land manager is trying to protect specific species other steps may need to be taken such as fencing off sensitive areas. See, also, our table at the bottom of the page.
 Can grazing cause erosion problems? 
If the animals remain for too long in one area, yes, this can be a problem. Our goal is to work with land managers to achieve an appropriate level of vegetation removal that will reduce fire danger or an exotic species without causing unnecessary erosion.
What is the "goats for rent" process entail?
   1. Set up day · Survey area for Noxious or harmful vegetation · Tag trees or plants that you want to keep · Fence first stage area · Arrange other pertinent logistics · Recheck location for safety.
   2. Delivery Day · Deliver goats in the AM · Set up water buckets
   3. During Project · Daily visits to check on Goats · Move grazing area as needed
   4. Dismantle day · When you're satisfied, we'll remove the goats and the temporary fencing, leaving you to continue with whatever plans you have for your freshly goat-grazed landscape.
 How much does it cost to have a site grazed?
Our fee depends on the size of the site and the density of vegetation. The average is about $700 per acre, which includes administration, insurance, transportation, the goatherd's wages and the goats shelter, fencing, supplemental nutrition and  vet care. Healthy, happy goats have the best appetites!  
Please send digital photos of the site if possible to GOATSforRENT EMAIL. You're more than welcome to call, but please follow up with an email and include the pertinent information. We will respond to your e-mail within 24 hours.
No job too small for now.

Goats for Rent, LLC - Seal Rock OR 

Before & After: Hire Goats for Rent, LLC for Similar Results

eMail us today! No job too small for now.
Goats for Rent, LLC - Seal Rock OR 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Goat Tower! and Goats Saving the South

Grazing Goats Saving the South ... from  swallowed in Kudzu!

“Safety just will not let you get in on some of these slopes with equipment or even people trying to clear it by hand,” Mr. Burden said. “And that’s where the goats come in.” 

No job too small for now.

Goats for Rent, LLC - Seal Rock OR 

How Stuff Works: Goatscaping @ Google

Goatscaping: Google Uses Rent-a-Goats

HuffPost article allows no comment?


No job too small for now.

Goats for Rent, LLC - Seal Rock OR 

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Meet Two Too Hungry Goats!

We've been having a lot of fun meeting people on Facebook. BTW, please do us a favor and hop on over to "LIKE" Goats for Rent, LLC if appropriate - THANK YOU!
Thank you Kelli Thompson for inviting us to your Easter party!  
I'm sure we can work something out, and we'll have a blast, too!

Here's a video of "Urban Kids" showing our potential. Sweet Pea!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Goats for Rent, LLC New Business Card Draft

As soon as our LLC paperwork arrives, we'll open a dedicated bank account and order some biz cards to pass around. I'm OK with all of it, except I wonder about having my name next to a pic of a goat. Oh well, he's cute and I've been called worse (than stubborn). Thoughts?

Friday, January 28, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Land-clearing trend has legs

What has four legs, four stomachs and the ability to cut land-clearing costs in half? The humble goat; it has become an ally for people looking for greener landscaping methods.

While gas-powered Weedwhackers can clear land of unwanted plants faster, more cities and businesses are finding that goats can do it more sustainably and for less money. Goats have an insatiable appetite for plants that other animals wouldn’t touch, so they are a favorite landscaper in rural areas. But now they are being used in urban areas, too.
Read more from Oregon Daily Journal of Commerce or email Goats for Rent, LLC to rent a goat today.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Thinking of buying a goat?

  1. Goats are prohibited in most urban settings.
  2. A single goat will be a very unhappy, destructive goat and an accomplished escape artist.
  3. What will you do with him when he's done clearing your brush? You'll spend all the money you've saved housing and containing him, feeding him and ensuring he has adequate care, veterinary and otherwise. 
We come with our own custom containment system. We're healthy, happy and hungry and, by the time the novelty wears away, the brush is gone and so are we.  Avoid the hassles of owning.  Email us today!
P.S. If you have made the mistake of buying a goat and now you're both unhappy, please consider letting us adopt him/her -- in return, we'll give you a discounted price on our services for the lifetime of your friend.
Love, Dahlia and Donovan