Serving municipalities, HOA, commercial projects, and private parties.
For more information, please don't hesitate to email today!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Land-clearing trend has legs

What has four legs, four stomachs and the ability to cut land-clearing costs in half? The humble goat; it has become an ally for people looking for greener landscaping methods.

While gas-powered Weedwhackers can clear land of unwanted plants faster, more cities and businesses are finding that goats can do it more sustainably and for less money. Goats have an insatiable appetite for plants that other animals wouldn’t touch, so they are a favorite landscaper in rural areas. But now they are being used in urban areas, too.
Read more from Oregon Daily Journal of Commerce or email Goats for Rent, LLC to rent a goat today.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Thinking of buying a goat?

  1. Goats are prohibited in most urban settings.
  2. A single goat will be a very unhappy, destructive goat and an accomplished escape artist.
  3. What will you do with him when he's done clearing your brush? You'll spend all the money you've saved housing and containing him, feeding him and ensuring he has adequate care, veterinary and otherwise. 
We come with our own custom containment system. We're healthy, happy and hungry and, by the time the novelty wears away, the brush is gone and so are we.  Avoid the hassles of owning.  Email us today!
P.S. If you have made the mistake of buying a goat and now you're both unhappy, please consider letting us adopt him/her -- in return, we'll give you a discounted price on our services for the lifetime of your friend.
Love, Dahlia and Donovan